Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Recap

I've been bad. I know! Lots has actually happened and I haven't made the time for blogging. One of my goals for this year is to get better, heck get a few more followers. :)

Here's a quick recap of Christmas...yes CHRISTMAS peoples! It's only been a week and a half so get off my bootay.
I'll start with showing you a few pics of my living room, foyer and dining room. Just a few touches that made our home feel a little more christmasey.
My cozy living room area-notice fire going and all my christmas cards on my mantel.

Robert's grandmother passed away before the holidays last year (or 2009) and this Nativity set was passed down to him after her passing. We have to display it since it's a family tradition handed down to him. One day, when the girls are older I'll have it under a tree or over by fireplace or something. Avonlea is into EVERYTHING and this is way too fragil! Actually even Arianna my 3 year old wanted to play with them as if they were Barbies or something and I had to yell at her several times to GET AWAY! I think Robert would freak if something happened to this.

My and silver

Last year after having Avonlea, we decided to purchase a 'fun' christmas tree for the girls to decorate. We had a lot of fun! Arianna really enjoyed it and Avonlea really thought she was helping. It was cute. We went with an old theme I had (silver and blue) until the girls collect whatever ornaments they bring home from school or the oraments they'll pick out after christmas every year.

Our trees. The girls fun tree with silver and blue with multi color lights (not my favorite but it's not for me). And our somewhat not finished yet pretty tree. It's chocolate browns, golds and lime green. I absolutely love-once it's all complete of course (yep no bow, crazy ribbon, angel, star, etc...I will next year though!).

Christmas Eve-Ruiz family comes to mi casa! The fun we have together! We always have so much fun. We are the typical Hispanic family....LOUD and probably annoying to most who don't understand us. I don't think Robert will ever get over the fact that we AREN'T arguing. haha. The only white guy-besides my blonde girls of course!
Here we are eating! What we do best! We're all about my momma's puerto rican speciality yummy arroz con gandoles and so much more!

It took us over 2 hours to open presents! Literally. We always open presents at midnight/christmas morning/Christmas eve-whatever you want to call it. I've asked for earlier as we take so long and I'm old now. It takes more than 2 people to convince my big familia to change the hour of opening gifts since it takes us so dang long.
Reason: because we watch everyone open each present. It's fun and we know whether they like what we've picked out for them and to see the excitment on their faces is the best!
It was 3:30am before I got to bed to then wake up with my child poking me in the forhead to get up at 6:30am so she could play with her toys. Talk about no sleep! oh and in case you are wondering...the kids open their presents at 8pm and then go to bed.
The kids (4 to be exact-one on the way from my sister)

After opening gifts we all sit together on the floor and then take group pictures...something we do each year!

My girls in their christmas jammies before going to bed on Christmas Eve. They are my life.

Front view of my fireplace-see if you can find yours. :)

Christmas Day!

The Eddy Household. This is their living room peoples! Look at all those gifts! the couch was filled too! It was insane. Truly insane. I really am grateful at how much the girls are loved, but this is a little too much!!!!! I feel as though they can't learn the true meaning of Christmas when there's this many gifts. This goes for both families. I don't know....just sayin'. I don't want them to think that christmas is all about gifts...and of course I told my girls that the true meaning of christmas is Christ and how God gave his son to us and how God is love. Of course at 3 years old though, it's a bit hard to really understand this. She (Arianna) really wanted to rip open presents.

Here's Avonlea, a little grumpy, but ready to get those presents open!!

Can you tell Arianna is a little too excited! I thought this was funny! 'gotta get to the big gift, big gift, big gift!' Look at her hair at how fast she turned around to open more.
Showing off her Princess Barbie doll collection.

Avonlea opening presents..isn't she just precious!

Robert's family is very giving and I love them very much for wanting to give them lots, but at the same time I'd rather them put that money towards a college fund. Because later, they'll truly appreciate it more than toys.
And finally the girls and me once again on Christmas night. This is sad, but I can find a picture of the 4 us of together. I was horrible this year at taking pictures of Robert and the girls together and just getting some of us the family. And for some reason I didn't take many pictures while at the Eddy's! At least not of all us together. I know they took some so I'll have to get copies.

Any whoodles, there you have it. Our Christmas was fun as usual. It only gets better each year. I enjoy both my families and look forward to all our future christmas's together.

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