Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wha...what! FREE Holiday Cards?!

Yep you read right!

Who doesn't like getting stuff for FREE?! Shutterfly is giving away 50 free christmas cards to all who blog about them. This couldn't have come at a more perfect time. We're getting our family christmas pictures done in a few days and this is perfect!!! They have so many awesome holiday cards to choose from too! It's actually quite hard to pick because they have over 700 choices!! Yep, something for everyone. Its given me so many ideas as to how I want to lay out my cards.

Check out these links on what Shutterfly has to offer:

Holiday Cards to

Calendars are great addition to any working mom's office, fridge, desk, etc...:
Choose your own card/invitation and URL from our Cards & Stationery page
If you are interested in receiving free holiday cards (you're crazy if you aren't), click on the link below, fill out the form and simply wait for their reply.
Check them out facebook and twitter and click the 'like' button. :)
Here are some of my favorites:
Happy Shopping!
I naturally tend to go to simple, yet classy. I love this!
I saw this one and automatically was drawn to it. I see Avonlea and Arianna on each side with Robert and I in the middle. Too cute!
I love personality pictures and love the amount of pictures on this card.
This one is just so fun. I love the black and white with touches of hot colors.
I like the simplicity of this one. I'm a brown traditional girl. For this card, I would make it a family group photo.

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